Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Severe venous insufficiency occurs in a condition when the veins in the leg act as a hindrance for the blood to flow to the heart. This happens due to malfunctioning of the valves of the veins. It prevents blood to flow backwards to the heart. The result is that blood tends to collect in the legs.

Let us learn more about the Severe Venous Insufficiency disorder in detail.

Signs of Acute Venous Insufficiency

People who have acute venous insufficiency or Chronic Venous Insufficiency notice the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Cramps
  • Swelling
  • Modifications in the skin
  • Varicose veins
  • Ulcers in the leg

Gilvydis Vein clinic is one of the leading clinics that provide effective, safe and long-lasting treatment of Acute Venous Insufficiency.

Reasons Behind the disorder

People who have the following conditions are more likely to suffer from Severe Venous Insufficiency.

  • Overweight
  • Pregnant
  • Family history of the disorder
  • Damaged leg due to surgery, injury, surgery, or any blood clots
  • High BP in the veins in the leg with passing time. It can be due to standing or sitting for extended periods of time
  • Smoking
  • Lack of exercise
  • A blood clot in calf, deep vein, or thigh
  • Inflammation and Swelling of a vein near to the skin in the leg region

Signs of the disorder

Some of the symptoms of severe venous insufficiency are:

  • Swelling in the ankles or legs
  • Tightness in the calves, itchiness or pain in legs
  • Brown-colored skin close to the ankles
  • Varicose veins
  • Leg ulcers
  • Uncomfortable feeling in the legs that requires movement of legs
  • Painful muscle spasms or leg cramps

Treatment of this disorder

Your doctor will take note of your condition and will suggest the right treatment on the basis of following factors:

  • Your age,
  • Overall health,
  • Medical history
  • The severity of the case
  • How well medicines, therapies, and treatments can control the problem
  • Signs of the disorder
  • Will the condition get worse if left untreated?

Here are possible medical treatments:

Improving blood circulation in veins of the leg

Keeping legs in a raised state can lower swelling to a considerable extent. It will assist in enhancing blood circulation in the area. Wearing a compression stocking is also a good idea. Regular exercise will enhance blood circulation in the body.


Medicines that help in improving the blood circulation via the vessels can be prescribed in addition to compression therapy. It will assist in curing ulcers in the leg. Doctors generally prescribe “Aspirin” to treat leg ulcers. These medicines help in drawing excess fluid from the body via the kidneys.

Endovenous laser ablation

This treatment is also called radiofrequency ablation. It is a slightly invasive procedure. In this method, a tube is used to put heat directly into the impacted veins. This helps in closing the vein. When the veins are closed, less amount of blood gets pooled in the leg. In this way, it enhances the overall blood circulation in the body.


This technique can be used when the case is serious. In this condition, a chemical is inserted into the impacted veins. This chemical results in causing scars in the veins. This is done to prevent them to carry blood. The outcome is that the blood again flows back to the heart via other veins.


Severe venous insufficiency isn’t a severe health threat. Though, it can be disabling and painful if not treated on time. If you relate to any of the symptoms of this disease, you must get yourself checked by a doctor at the earliest.